

March 09, 2024 - Temporal forces prerelease!

I went to my first prerelease! I was suuuper nervous, partially because I've never done a prerelease, partially because I've never even gone to a Pokemon event before, partially because the place also had some Magic The Gathering stuff going on (so it was LOUD in there), and partially because I didn't have a player ID ^^; A new place with a bunch of new people is always so nerve-wracking, but luckily that feeling mostly went away after I realized how nice everybody was. My deck completely sucked, and I lost all three rounds, but I still had a ton of fun. Funniest part of it all (to me) is that I was so nervous that I completely fucked up my first round... oops. Luckily, since it was a casual event, I didn't get disqualified, lol. That was when I realized that everyone there for the prerelease was super nice. One of my friends and I even won a giveaway! I got some packs and he won an entire display thing :o (photo attached). I also pulled my chase card from one of the prize packs I got and lost my mind over it. I'm really hoping that I can do more prereleases and other Pokemon events in the future, since this first one was so fun :)
